Happy April! Happy Early Easter!
This week we had the opportunity to debate as a class in the Social Policy and Child Development course on Thursday. Last week, I heard five of my classmates debate the pro’s and con’s of the Common Core State Standards and it was so exciting to hear them argue their position. For this week, our class chose which side of the debate we would choose then argue our perspective. In the next few weeks, I will also be required to do a debate on IDEA, which I am currently preparing for. From the Social Policy and Child Development course I have learned so much about using empirical evidence to support my logic and assertions, which I will apply to my post graduate career. For those interested in doing more lobbying, policy analyst positions, and advocacy then this course is for you!
In other news, this week I started registering for my summer classes that will begin in June. Currently, I plan on taking my courses in Education Policy Issues and Education Finance. Although the courses are only 6 weeks long, I definitely plan on making the most of it. I cannot believe that my last semester of classes is just around the corner. I even purchased my cap and gown from the Penn Bookstore, which was so surreal. I remember the first week of classes and still becoming acclimated with the new city. But after 8 months, I am culminating my experiences at Penn and now preparing for my post-graduate career. However, with final papers and presentations that will meet me before I walk across the stage, I have a great amount of work to keep occupied during my last few months.