Today, I had the exciting opportunity to go to a Career Fair located in Houston Hall at Penn. This Career Fair was of particular interest to me because it was centered on Policy and Government, and as an Education Policy Master's student reaching out to these jobs could be very beneficial. As a Penn student this event was completely free and all I had to do was show proof that I was either a student or an alumni by providing my Penn Card. So why would I attend a Career Fair in October when I do not graduate until August 2015? Great question! I wanted to start my career search as early as possible so that I could be aware of as many opportunities as possible. Rather than stressing myself out three months before graduation, I would much rather have my future career already solidified. Were there job openings that would start in August 2015? Wonderful follow up question. Yes, in fact many of the jobs recruiters intentionally had job openings around the end of spring/summer because they knew that there would be a large amount of graduating students searching for jobs. As a result, I was able to speak with multiple companies about my educational background, skill sets, and experiences for jobs that I could potentially begin as soon as I graduate!
By the way this is my SECOND Career Resource Fair since starting Penn in August! UPenn is aggressive about getting us linked up with C-A-R-E-E-R not just a random job, and I love it! Both Career Fairs provided me with many opportunities to communicate with leading businesses, education centered agencies, research companies, and more. In fact, today I received a personal email from one of the recruitment advisors I met at my first Career Fair and we are currently discussing an upcoming job opening in August of 2015, which is really exciting. So if you are looking for an amazing school that provides you with multiple facets to connect with potential companies in your field of interest look no further than UPENN!
Below are the guides that I received today at the Career Fair. On the left is an entire guide through different areas such as how to apply for jobs/internships, going to graduate/professional school, interviewing, and more. On the right is the booklet that contained all of the organizations and companies at the Career Fair as well as a brief description of each one. These resources were really helpful.

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